Vapor Intrusion Barriers
The use of polyurea as a vapor barrier for Brownfield Re-development is not only a unique application – It Is Award Winning.
The Phoenix Award – Recognition for Excellence in Brownfield Redevelopment that AKT Peerless Environmental and Energy Services received was based on way more than just their use of this engineering control. However, they state that it was an important component.
Brownfield Project
Pre construction

under construction

post construction

Piquette Square Project
Piquette Square Detroit, Michigan Former Studebaker Automotive Plant. AKT Peerless and their project partners were in need of a vapor barrier that could meet the objectives of the project. They turned to Triton Polyurea for the solution.
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A primary objective was to have a rapid cure coating that would not interfere with the aggressive construction schedule. After smoke testing and vacuum testing were complete, the vapor barrier had to accept a layer of poured concrete.
Chemical Resistance
Because residual petroleum contamination was present, a vapor barrier and sub-slab venting system were requirements for this project. Because of extensive testing that REA 303 has undergone it was ideal for this vapor barrier. For another project this polyurea formula had been tested and approved for primary containment in the State of Wisconsin for many different petroleum products. Meaning this formula of polyurea could withstand “free product” of many hydrocarbons.
Perm Rating
Along with the chemical resistance to a wide range of petroleum constituents a very low perm rating was also required for this project. REA 303 was tested to have an order of magnitude lower perm rating than the most widely used vapor barrier. This was instrumental in gaining regulatory approval. ASTM E-96 testing was done on REA 303 before and after being subjected to gasoline, jet fuel, and ethanol for the Wisconsin approvals. The change in perm rating was unaffected after 7 days of immersion in the above products.
Elongation, Abrasion Resistance, and Puncture Resistance
Not only would the polyurea formula need to be chemical resistant, it would need certain physical properties. The proper elongation was necessary as the polyurea had to be sprayed onto geotexile fabric for this project, and it shrinks slightly when it cures. Other physical properties such as Abrasion Resistance, Puncture Resistance, Tensile Strength are key factors demonstrating durablility. This project received intense scrutiny from regulators and other environmental consultants working for funding sources
Product Life Cycle
Part of the financing for this project consisted of a 45 year mortgage. Therefore the Developer, Southwest Housing Solutions Corporation, requested a 45 year warranty for this project.
Long term testing for polyurea has been shown to have a 75 to 100 year life cycle (Primeaux and Assoc). And after consulting with the REA 303 Manufacturer, Triton Polyurea and the manufacturer agreed to offer a mutual warranty for the requested time period.
Contact us for additional technical information on REA 303 and other polyureas.
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